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What do our birds eat?

We've got lots of hungry mouths and beaks to feed and we rely 100% on food donations.

Surprisingly, some of the main foods loved by all the birds are live mealworms and waxworms which are are especially good for tiny fledglings and sick birds who can't swallow much. Another popular food for small and garden birds is called Orlux Uni Patee, while the seagulls and marine birds love gulping down tons of sprats and fish.

Donate using Paypal

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Our Amazon Wish List is a great way to donate.

We always need mealworms and waxworms

Greedy seabirds gobble fish. We get through copious amounts of pigeon grain and duck pellets.


Click the Amazon logo to go to our List. Items you donate will be delivered directly to our HQ.


Amazon don't tell us who has ordered, we'd welcome a quick advance email from you so we can expect your donation.

Thank you!

Aviary Build Appeal

Contribute to our project to build 10 new Aviaries at the Sanctuary in 2024.


We need to raise £11,000 which will provide robust and eay-to-maintain rehab and soft release housing for more than 300 birds. The soft release area will free up space for new arrivals in intesive care.

Please donate direct directly to our bank account using AVIARY 10 as your reference. 

Bank: TIDE

Sort Code: 04 06 05

Account No: 22063945

Account Name: Wildlife in Need


Quick ways to help

Click the GoFundMe logo to donate

We use our gofundme account to save up for special projects, like putting money onto account for vet bills and for new aviaries which need ongoing rain and vermin-proofing and other regular maintenance. We need substantial sums to pay for bedding (straw) and specialist live food like mealworms for songbirds and fish for gulls.

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